Siltronix VFO 90-1




VFO 90-1

Accessory for

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'pace-sidetalk-ssb'

Pace Sidetalk SSB

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'pace-1023/b'

Pace 1023/B

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'pace-1024'

Pace 1024

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'pace-cbst-23'

Pace CBST-23

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-6-cb'


WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-8-cb'


WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-14-cb'


WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-18-cb'


WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-cb-12'


WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-sidebander-ii'

SBE Sidebander II

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-sidebander-iii'

SBE Sidebander III

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-sidebander-16'

SBE Sidebander 16

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'sbe-console-ii'

SBE Console II

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'cobra-130'

Cobra 130

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'cobra-131'

Cobra 131

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'cobra-132a'

Cobra 132A

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'cobra-135a'

Cobra 135A

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'ext-2325'

EXT 2325

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'johnson-352'

Johnson 352

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'mark-sidewinder-46'

Mark Sidewinder 46

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'midland-13.873'

Midland 13.873

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'midland-13.880/b'

Midland 13.880/B

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'midland-13.885'

Midland 13.885

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'raytheon-raycom-iv'

Raytheon Raycom IV

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SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'siltronix-ssb-23/a'

Siltronix SSB-23/A

WordPress database error: [Table 'acglydrh_otrwp23.wp_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_name = 'pace-1000m'

Pace 1000M


Replaces Channel 23 Crystal (11.950, 11.955, or 11.990 MHz)


Siltronix VFO-90-5, from the collection of Rob SWL#3

Siltronix VFO-90-5, from the collection of Rob SWL#3

Install Manual available from

Schematic available from

Posted in Categories: Siltronix, Swan.

Last modified: December 31, 2018