1011D Comanche
Power Wiring
The power cord black or 120 vac "hot" lead goes/solders to the jack/socket pin 3 only. The power cord white or 120 vac "neutral" lead goes to the jack/socket pin 10 only. The power cord green or "ground" lead goes to jack/socket pin 7. You might consider soldering it at the same time your complete the pin 7/8 jumper mentioned below. There are two jumpers inside the jack which need to be made for proper operation. Both jumpers are made to tabs that are right next to each other. You can use simple bare wire for the very short lenghts between adjacent solder tabs. Solder a short bare wire jumper from tab 5 to tab 6. Solder a seperate short bare wire jumper from tab 7 to tab 8. Tab 7 also shares a common connection with the green power cord ground lead. Securely solder tab 7 when both connections are properly made.
In the Siltronix 1011C & 1011D models had two band positions (down from 5 on the 1011 & 1011B)
Compared to the earlier rigs, the 1011C and 1011D pictures clearly show the removal of the left side front CAL-REC-Tune/CW function rotary switch. The rotary function was replaced by a two-position spring loaded REC-TUNE push slider type switch. The new receiver AM SPOT switch now appears next to the ANL switch position. The revised band-switch shows the removal of the top portions of the Ten Meter Amateur Band. We then see the later two-band range selection appear. The internal crystal calibrator and the related rotary function switch also goes away.
The 1011D is pretty much the same 1011C radio with some well received updates. There were also at least two different versions of the D model made. The 1011D model updates were the addition of rear panel option jacks, two for external AC devices (like the external counter and/or a boxer fan over the output tube), one 1/8 phone jack for the optional Frequency Counter (FC-1) and a jack to use a pair of internal T/R relay contacts. Some very late D versions started showing up with a retrofit balanced modulator board in place of the previous tube version.
The 1011D VFO dial was redone after a time to show the expanded 23 to 40 channel CB Band while the dual band range switch was left intact. Although the cosmetics were slightly changed, the rig remained pretty much the same circuit layout between the C and D models with small exceptions and the addition of the solid state balanced modulator.

Siltronix 1011D