What is OTR?
O.T.R. is short for Old Tube Radio.
What is the Old Tube Radio Network?
The old Tube Radio Network is NOT a club at all. We call ourselves “a volunteer association of individuals interested in the old tube models of transceivers on the 11-meter Citizens Band Radio Service. Anyone is welcome to join in on the fun.
How long has the Network been in operation?
The Old Tube Radio Network had its first broadcast in January of 1986 and has been on the air every Saturday night since then. There have been only one or two nights missed in all that time.
Where can a person find one of these old tube radios?
There are many places one can find these old radio sets. Among the most common places are yard sales, swap meets, auctions, Granddad’s basement or garage, and just about anywhere.
How much do these radio sets generally cost?
The cost of these radio sets varies widely. The more common ones like the EF Johnson, Lafayette, and Hallicrafters etc. are generally in the range of $20.00 to $100.00. The more rare or exotic brands can be much more expensive. Brands like Browning, Tram, and Demco can be as high as $350.00-$500.00 or more depending on condition. Ranging from PARTS to PRISTINE, each radio has a different value.
Why the interest in these old radios anyway?
In general these sets work better than their solid state counterparts. The method of modulation is generally louder with more talk power with the tube sets over the solid state sets. Many of the older radios did not have to meet the newer standards that have been imposed on the newer sets.
Aren’t the tube sets less reliable then the solid state units?
Yes that is true, but that’s also part of the fun of it. It’s a pleasure to take an old set that’s not working and restoring it to working order and then checking it in for the first time on the net. Getting others to hear it and making comments on the quality of the audio and signal.
How can I start a network in my hometown?
Just get together with a few friends and start the network going. It will develop a life of it’s own quickly. For any info on format and record keeping feel free to contact any of the folks listed on the contact us page. We would be more than happy to have a chapter in your hometown.