Welcome to the Old Tube Radio Archives
Over the years this site has evolved from the Old Tube Radio Network’s database of vintage tube-type Citizens Band radios to become an extensive repository of information on many makes and models of commercial and amateur radio and electronics equipment.
The information contained in this site is compiled from various sources over the years. Any contributions to the site are very welcome. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the website contact the webmaster at admin@oldtuberadio.com.
Manufacturers Featured on the site:
- ABC Electronics
- Academy
- ACSA Corp.
- Actionline
- Admiral
- Aerotron
- Aimor
- Aircastle
- Alan
- Alaron
- Alinco
- Alliance
- Alliance Rotor Mfg. Co.
- Allied Radio
- Allstate
- Alpha
- Alrad
- Ampenol Corp.
- Anteck
- Antenna Specialists
- Antronic
- Apelco
- Astatic
- Atlas
- Autronics
- Azden
- B&K
- Baofeng
- Barker & Williamson
- Bell & Howell Schools
- Bird Technologies
- Broomall Industries
- Browning Laboratories, Inc.
- Browning-Drake
- Bud
- Buddy
- Burstein-Applebee
- Cadre
- Cal Western Electronics
- Canadian
- Cardon
- Cassinelli & C
- Central Electronics
- Chinaglia
- Citi-Fone
- Clarion
- Clegg
- Cobra
- Collins
- Colt
- Comet Kits
- Command Electronics
- Communications Specialists
- Conar
- Connex
- Contex
- Courier
- Craig
- Crosley
- Cubic Corporation
- Cushcraft
- Cutler Hammer
- D & A Manufacturing
- D-Link
- Daystrom
- Debeg
- Decibel Products
- Demco Electronics
- Dentron
- Dewald
- DGM Electronics
- Dow-Key
- DowCom
- Drake
- DX Engineering
- Dynascan Corporation
- E. F. Johnson Co.
- E.B. Lewis Co.
- e.c.i.
- EBY Manufacturing Company
- Echo Communications, Inc.
- Eico
- Eldico
- Electro-Voice
- Electronic Laboratories Inc.
- Elkin
- Emergency Beacon Corp
- Eveready
- Fanon
- Farnsworth Television & Radio Corporation
- Firebird
- Four-State
- G.C. Textron
- Galaxy
- Galaxy Microsystems
- GC Electronics
- GE
- Gem Marine
- Gemtronics
- Genave
- General Aviation Electronics
- General Cement
- General Electric
- General Motors
- General Motors Research
- General Radio Company
- General Radiotelephone
- Gladding Corp.
- Globe Electronics
- Golden Eagle RF Amplifiers
- Gonset
- Gotham Antennas
- Grundig
- HAL Communications Corp
- Hallicrafters
- Hallmark
- Hameg Instruments
- Hammarlund
- Hamtronics
- Handic
- Hansen Electronics
- Harvey Wells
- Heathkit
- Henry Radio
- Hewlett Packard
- HP
- Hunt Corp
- Hustler
- Hy-Gain
- I.C.E.
- I.D.E.A
- Icom
- IEH Corporation
- International Crystal Manufacturing (ICM)
- JC Penny
- Johnson
- JS&A
- Kaar
- Kantronics
- Katone Corporation
- Keithley
- Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co.
- Kenrich
- Kenwood
- Knight
- Korting
- Kris
- Krohn-Hite
- La Salle
- Lab-Volt
- Lafayette
- Leeds & Northrup
- Lincoln
- Lindal
- Lindsay Electronics
- Logitech, Inc.
- Lysco
- M&M Electronics
- M. H. Scott
- MaCo
- Macrotronics
- Magnolia Electronics Inc.
- Magnum
- Majestic
- Marina Communications
- Mark Products Company
- Mastech
- Maxon
- McCoy Electronics
- Measurement Engineering
- Mega Corporation
- Metrotek
- Micro Control Specialties
- Midland
- Miratel
- MorGain
- Morrow
- Mosley
- Motorola
- Motron Electronics
- Multi-Elmac
- Multi-Products Co.
- Nasacom
- National
- National Union Radio Corporation
- New-Tronics Antenna Corporation
- Nissei
- Novex
- Oak Frequency Control
- Olson
- Outercom
- P.B. Radio Service
- P.R. Hoffman
- Pace
- PAL Electronics
- Palomar Electronics Corp
- Palomar Engineers
- Palomar Telecom
- Palomar Telecom
- Panasonic
- Pearce-Simpson
- Peterson
- Philco
- Philips
- Philmore
- Piezo Crystal Company
- Pioneer
- Polarad
- Polytronics
- Pomona
- Popular Communications
- President
- Pride
- Radio Manufacturing Engineers (RME)
- Radio Shack
- Radioddity
- Radionics
- Ramsey Electronics
- Ray Jefferson
- Raytheon
- Realistic
- Reeves-Hoffman
- Regency Electronics
- Relm Communications Inc.
- Retech
- RF Communications Inc.
- Robyn
- Rohn
- Romar
- Royal
- Royce
- RT Systems
- Sampson
- Saratoga Amateur Radio Products
- Schlumberger
- Sears
- Sears and Roebuck
- Sentry Manufacturing Company
- Shakspeare
- Sherwood
- Shure
- Siltronic
- Siltronix
- Simpson
- Solar
- Sommerkamp
- Sonar
- Spiegel, Inc.
- Sprague
- Squires-Sanders
- Standard Communications
- Standard Piezo
- Standard Radio Corporation
- Standard Transformer Corporation (STANCOR)
- Stoner
- SunSDR
- Superior Electronics
- Superscope
- Surveyor Manufacturing Corporation
- Swan
- Switchcraft
- Sylvania
- Tandy Corporation
- TE Systems
- Teaberry
- Tecraft
- Tektronix
- Telestar
- Telex
- Tempo
- Texas
- Texas Star
- Textron Electronics
- The Ham Shack
- Toshiba
- TPL Communications, Inc.
- Tram
- Transel Corporation
- Tri-Ex
- Trio
- Trio-Kenwood
- Tung-Sol
- Turner
- Tusenshida
- Tytera
- U.S.L.
- Uniden
- Union Carbide
- Universal Communications
- Universal Microphone Company
- unknown
- Utica
- Vector Electronic Company, Inc.
- Vertex Standard
- Vibratrol
- Vocaline
- Voice of Music
- Wavetek
- Wawasee
- Webster
- Weller
- Westinghouse
- Weston
- Wholesale Radio Laboratories
- Wilson Electronics
- Winbond
- World Radio Labs (WRL)
- Yaesu
- Yamaha
- Zenith