- ABC Electronics
- Academy
- ACSA Corp.
- Actionline
- Admiral
- Aerotron
- Aimor
- Aircastle
- Alan
- Alaron
- Alinco
- Alliance
- Alliance Rotor Mfg. Co.
- Allied Radio
- Allstate
- Alpha
- Alrad
- Ampenol Corp.
- Anteck
- Antenna Specialists
- Antronic
- Apelco
- Astatic
- Atlas
- Autronics
- Azden
- B&K
- Baofeng
- Barker & Williamson
- Bell & Howell Schools
- Bird Technologies
- Broomall Industries
- Browning Laboratories, Inc.
- Browning-Drake
- Bud
- Buddy
- Burstein-Applebee
- Cadre
- Cal Western Electronics
- Canadian
- Cardon
- Cassinelli & C
- Central Electronics
- Chinaglia
- Citi-Fone
- Clarion
- Clegg
- Cobra
- Collins
- Colt
- Comet Kits
- Command Electronics
- Communications Specialists
- Conar
- Connex
- Contex
- Courier
- Craig
- Crosley
- Cubic Corporation
- Cushcraft
- Cutler Hammer
- D & A Manufacturing
- D-Link
- Daystrom
- Debeg
- Decibel Products
- Demco Electronics
- Dentron
- Dewald
- DGM Electronics
- Dow-Key
- DowCom
- Drake
- DX Engineering
- Dynascan Corporation
- E. F. Johnson Co.
- E.B. Lewis Co.
- e.c.i.
- EBY Manufacturing Company
- Echo Communications, Inc.
- Eico
- Eldico
- Electro-Voice
- Electronic Laboratories Inc.
- Elkin
- Emergency Beacon Corp
- Eveready
- Fanon
- Farnsworth Television & Radio Corporation
- Firebird
- Four-State
- G.C. Textron
- Galaxy
- Galaxy Microsystems
- GC Electronics
- GE
- Gem Marine
- Gemtronics
- Genave
- General Aviation Electronics
- General Cement
- General Electric
- General Motors
- General Motors Research
- General Radio Company
- General Radiotelephone
- Gladding Corp.
- Globe Electronics
- Golden Eagle RF Amplifiers
- Gonset
- Gotham Antennas
- Grundig
- HAL Communications Corp
- Hallicrafters
- Hallmark
- Hameg Instruments
- Hammarlund
- Hamtronics
- Handic
- Hansen Electronics
- Harvey Wells
- Heathkit
- Henry Radio
- Hewlett Packard
- HP
- Hunt Corp
- Hustler
- Hy-Gain
- I.C.E.
- I.D.E.A
- Icom
- IEH Corporation
- International Crystal Manufacturing (ICM)
- JC Penny
- Johnson
- JS&A
- Kaar
- Kantronics
- Katone Corporation
- Keithley
- Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co.
- Kenrich
- Kenwood
- Knight
- Korting
- Kris
- Krohn-Hite
- La Salle
- Lab-Volt
- Lafayette
- Leeds & Northrup
- Lincoln
- Lindal
- Lindsay Electronics
- Logitech, Inc.
- Lysco
- M&M Electronics
- M. H. Scott
- MaCo
- Macrotronics
- Magnolia Electronics Inc.
- Magnum
- Majestic
- Marina Communications
- Mark Products Company
- Mastech
- Maxon
- McCoy Electronics
- Measurement Engineering
- Mega Corporation
- Metrotek
- Micro Control Specialties
- Midland
- Miratel
- MorGain
- Morrow
- Mosley
- Motorola
- Motron Electronics
- Multi-Elmac
- Multi-Products Co.
- Nasacom
- National
- National Union Radio Corporation
- New-Tronics Antenna Corporation
- Nissei
- Novex
- Oak Frequency Control
- Olson
- Outercom
- P.B. Radio Service
- P.R. Hoffman
- Pace
- PAL Electronics
- Palomar Electronics Corp
- Palomar Engineers
- Palomar Telecom
- Palomar Telecom
- Panasonic
- Pearce-Simpson
- Peterson
- Philco
- Philips
- Philmore
- Piezo Crystal Company
- Pioneer
- Polarad
- Polytronics
- Pomona
- Popular Communications
- President
- Pride
- Radio Manufacturing Engineers (RME)
- Radio Shack
- Radioddity
- Radionics
- Ramsey Electronics
- Ray Jefferson
- Raytheon
- Realistic
- Reeves-Hoffman
- Regency Electronics
- Relm Communications Inc.
- Retech
- RF Communications Inc.
- Robyn
- Rohn
- Romar
- Royal
- Royce
- RT Systems
- Sampson
- Saratoga Amateur Radio Products
- Schlumberger
- Sears
- Sears and Roebuck
- Sentry Manufacturing Company
- Shakspeare
- Sherwood
- Shure
- Siltronic
- Siltronix
- Simpson
- Solar
- Sommerkamp
- Sonar
- Spiegel, Inc.
- Sprague
- Squires-Sanders
- Standard Communications
- Standard Piezo
- Standard Radio Corporation
- Standard Transformer Corporation (STANCOR)
- Stoner
- SunSDR
- Superior Electronics
- Superscope
- Surveyor Manufacturing Corporation
- Swan
- Switchcraft
- Sylvania
- Tandy Corporation
- TE Systems
- Teaberry
- Tecraft
- Tektronix
- Telestar
- Telex
- Tempo
- Texas
- Texas Star
- Textron Electronics
- The Ham Shack
- Toshiba
- TPL Communications, Inc.
- Tram
- Transel Corporation
- Tri-Ex
- Trio
- Trio-Kenwood
- Tung-Sol
- Turner
- Tusenshida
- Tytera
- U.S.L.
- Uniden
- Union Carbide
- Universal Communications
- Universal Microphone Company
- unknown
- Utica
- Vector Electronic Company, Inc.
- Vertex Standard
- Vibratrol
- Vocaline
- Voice of Music
- Wavetek
- Wawasee
- Webster
- Weller
- Westinghouse
- Weston
- Wholesale Radio Laboratories
- Wilson Electronics
- Winbond
- World Radio Labs (WRL)
- Yaesu
- Yamaha
- Zenith